学习 SQL server 笔记
数据基本 CRUD
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| use 数据库名
insert into 表名([name],sex,age).value('张三','男','20')
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| select * from 表名 //查询表里面的全部数据
select [name] from 表名 //查询表里面的name关键字
select sex from 表名 //查询表里面的性别关键字
select age from 表名 //查询表里面的年龄关键字
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| update 表名 set [name]='小红',sex='女',age='18' where id=1 ///修改 id 为 1 的数据
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| delete 表名 where id=1 //使用 delete 删除数据时一定给 where 条件
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| select [Id] as '标识ID', [name] as '名称' [sex] as '性别', [age] as '年龄' from 表名
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| select [Id] as '标识ID', [name] as '名称' [sex] as '性别', [age] as '年龄' from 表名 where age=18
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| select [Id] as '标识ID', [name] as '名称' [sex] as '性别', [age] as '年龄' from 表名 where age > 18 and age < 24
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| select [Id] as '标识ID', [name] as '名称' [sex] as '性别', [age] as '年龄' from 表名 where age is null
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| select top 3 * from 表名 // 查询前三条数据
select top(50) percent * from 表名 // 查询总条数的百分之五十
6.case when 判断
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| //进行比较分支
select top(1000) [Id] ,[name] //名称 ,[course] //班级 ,[score] //分数 ,case when score <90 then '不及格' when score >=90 and score <120 then '及格' when score >=120 and score <130 then '良好' when score >=130 then '优秀' else '鸭蛋' end as '等级' from 表名 order by [score] asc //根据分数进行升序
select top(1000) [Id] ,[name] ,[course] ,[score] ,case course when '高级班' then '走向高级开发' when '架构班' then '走向架构师' when '全栈班' then '走向全栈开发' end '开发方向'
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| select top(1000) [Id] ,[name] ,[course] ,[score] from 表名 where id in (4,5,6,7,8) //指定查询 id 为 (4,5,6,7,8)的数据
**模糊查询笔记和通配符 % 一起使用才有效果 % 表示可以匹配任何字符
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| select top(1000) [Id] ,[name] ,[course] ,[score] from 表名 where course like '高%'
9.with 关键字查询
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| with tt as (select top(1000) [Id] ,[name] ,[course] ,[score] from 表名)
select * from tt
//whit个关键字查询 相当于给一段语句设置了一个别名 后期进行链表或者复杂的查询都方便一些
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| //子查询
select * from 表名 where id in (select Id from 表名 where [name]='张三')
//exists 关键字
select [Id] ,[name] ,[course] ,[score] from 表名 t1(表别名) where exists (select [Id],[name],[course],[scors] from 表名 t2(表别名) where t1.id = t2.id and t2.name = '张三')
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| //复制新表
select * into 复制表的表名 from 被复制的表名
insert 被插入数据的表名 select [name],[course],[scors] from 被复制数据的表名
12.distinc 同一列去除重复
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| select distinct course from 表名 order by couse desc
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| select * from 表名 order by score asc(升序)
select * from 表名 order by score desc(降序)
select * from 表名 order by [name],course asc (可以多列排序,从左往右优先级)
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| // group by (分组)
select [name],sum(score) score from 表名 group by [name]
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| 分页查询一
declare @pagesize int; //每一页数据数量 select pagesize=5; //查询页面数据的条数
declare @pageindex int; //第几页 select @pageindex=1; //第一页
select top(@pagesize) * from 表名 where id not in ( select top(@paegsize * (@pageindex -1)) id from 表名 order by id )
order by id
declare @pagesize int; select @pagesize=5;
declare @pageindex int; select @pageindex=1;
select top(@pagesize) * from ( select row_number() over (order by score) as rownumber,* from ScoreInfo )A
where rownumber > ((@pagesize)*(@pageindex) - 1)
declare @pagesize int; select @pagesize=5;
declare @pageindex int; select @pageindex=1;
select * from 表名 order by Id
offset (@pagesize * (@pageindex - 1))
rows fetch next (@pagesize)
rows only
16.union/umion all 操作